In January, women from across the nation joined us for QCC 1.0

The program brought life changing results both physically and mentally. Our ladies loved the program so much, we are teaming up again to bring you QCC 2.0!

QCC 2.0 is all about support, encouragement, ongoing education, and creating LASTING lifestyle changes. You receive all of the amazing perks of QCC 1.0 plus the added bonuses in QCC 2.0!

With QCC 2.0 you will never need another nutrition or workout program again.

We've got you covered with head to toe education, resources, and support that guarantee lasting lifestyle changes.

A future without:

  • more yo-yo diets
  • google searches at 10 pm wondering if that diet trend is right for you
  • money spent on vitamins that you stop taking after 1 week
  • feeling lost and unmotivated for workouts
  • negative body image self-talk


The 2021 Quarantine Comeback Challenge 2.0

A 12 week group program exclusive to women looking to optimize their diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits to achieve their optimal body

You Will Learn How To...

  • Achieve your optimal body (inside + out)

  • Effectively meal prep, grocery shop, and cook deliciously healthy recipes

  • Support your hormone health and metabolism

  • Create an effective workout routine geared towards your goals and lifestyle

  • Use the healing powers of real food for various purposes (hormone healing, immune support, gut health, and so much more!

  • Understand the role of vitamins, supplements, and biohacking tools

  • Become confident in your own body and your own health journey

  • Create sustainable daily routines for making health a priority in your lifestyle

  • Properly exercise for injury reduction and body composition optimization

Here's What's Inside...

Program Curriculum

    1. Understanding Your Nutrition Resources

    2. Understanding Your Workout Resources

    3. Optional Biofeedback Tracking Excel Sheet

    1. Nutrition 101 with Coach Lauren

    2. Exchange List for Food Substitutions

    3. Zoom Group Call Replay

    1. Effective Workouts with Coach Kaitlin

    2. Zoom Group Call Replay

    1. Holistically Building Lean Muscle: Workouts + Cardio with Coach Kaitlin

    2. Holistically Building Lean Muscle: Nutrition with Coach Lauren

    3. Zoom Group Call Replay

    1. Hormone Balance with Coach Lauren

    2. Zoom Group Call Replay

    1. Affirmations & Confidence with Coach Kaitlin

    2. Affirmations Worksheet

    3. Zoom Group Call Replay

About this course

  • 3 x $199.00
  • 82 lessons
  • 19 hours of video content

The Features

Your QCC Enrollment Includes...

  • Weekly 30 min. Live Trainings + Recordings

    Live 30 min. trainings with Coach Lauren and Coach Kaitlin on various topics surrounding nutrition, fitness, health, and habits.

  • Live Meal Prep + Cooking Class with Coach Lauren

    One 60 min. live meal prep and cooking class with Coach Lauren where she will educate you and teach you how to make cooking fun, easy and tasty!

  • Live Workout Class with Coach Kaitlin

    One 60 min. live workout class with Coach Kaitlin where she will coach you through your workouts and provide real-time coaching feedback.

  • Weekly Live Coaching Calls

    30 min. live coaching calls and recordings to answer all of your nutrition, fitness and healthy lifestyle questions. You will be joined by the other women in the group to support one another and hear each other's stories!

  • Support Group + Community

    Private group text message to share updates, ask questions and celebrate your wins with other women part of the group!

  • VIP Add-On's

    Ready to take things to the highest level? You can add-on a custom meal or workout plan from your coaches, Kaitlin and Lauren. These add-on's are the perfect option for those wanting the highest level of customization throughout the program.


  • QCC 2.0+ Custom Nutrition

    Included is a comprehensive assessment with Registered Dietitian, Lauren. She will determine your personalized nutrition needs for your goals. You will receive a custom meal plan with a grocery list based off these recommendations.

  • QCC 2.0+ Custom Workouts

    Included is a 1:1 call with lifestyle and fitness coach, Kaitlin. She will assess your lifestyle and daily routine to provide you with individualized workouts geared towards your goals.

  • QCC 2.0+ Bundle All

    The VIP all inclusive bundle package includes the 12 week group program in addition to VIP Nutrition AND VIP Workouts with both Lauren and Kaitlin. This is an all inclusive package for those ready to get serious about reaching their goals with the highest level of customization!

Are you ready to invest in yourself and join a group of like-minded women?

Register Today! Spots are limited.

Meet Your Coaches!

Registered Dietitian, Lauren Papanos and Fitness Coach, Kaitlin Wren

Registered Dietitian Lauren Papanos, MS, RD, CSSD

Lauren is a functionally trained Registered Dietitian who holds both her Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Nutritional Sciences. She is board certified in sports dietetics and trained in functional nutrition. Lauren is the owner and founder of Functional Fueling Nutrition, a virtual and Los Angeles based private practice specializing in women's health. She has been featured in several magazines, newspapers, and interviews. To learn more about her credentials and professional experience please visit, or find her on social @nutritionwithlo.

Lifestyle & Fitness Coach Kaitlin Wren

Kaitlin Wren is a lifestyle and fitness coach that specializes in helping women establish healthy behavior change to bring them to their highest expression of health and wellness. As a former collegiate athlete herself, she knows firsthand the importance of habits, time management, and mind-body confidence in achieving your health goals. Her interests include female physique transformation, behavior change, and biohacking. You can find her on social media at @kmacwren.

The Quarantine Comeback Challenge 2.0 is PERFECT for you if you...

  • Are ready to achieve your optimal mind + body, while supporting internal health

  • Want to learn how to eat and exercise for your individual needs and goals

  • Are looking for expert guidance and a community of accountability

  • Are ready for lasting lifestyle changes

Don't let another year go by before you achieve your optimal body

2021 is the year and now is the perfect time!

Get coached by two experts in female body optimization and join a community of like-minded women to support you on your journey!

Testimonials from QCC 1.0

Transformative results, inside and out!


  • When does the program start and end?

    The program starts on Monday, April 5th and ends on July 3rd, 2021.

  • Will I be provided any exact workouts or nutrition materials?

    Yes! You will have access to all specific workouts and meal plans provided in QCC 1.0. You will also receive extensive education around how to create a lifestyle workout and nutrition plan through the weekly trainings with Coach Lauren and Coach Kaitlin.

  • How much time investment will this require each week?

    There will be a 30 minute teach-in each week in addition to a 30 minute live coaching call. Daily workouts will take no more than 45 minutes each. Outside of this, plan to spend a couple of hours on the weekend for grocery shopping and cooking your meals. Keep in mind that all of this will be planned for you in advance which will save you hours of time each week having to put the pieces together yourself!

  • How do I know if I will get results?

    Check out our success stories to see just some of the many testimonials we have from QCC 1.0 and past clients.

QCC 2.0 begins April 5th!

Join today!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Some of Our Client Success Stories

Are you Ready to Make 2021 Your Healthiest Year Yet?

Pick your level- QCC or QCC+